Friday, January 25, 2019

5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

1.     The Problems I Can’t Unsee – Reflections on a Race
b.     This article is about the many contradictions that Kayser Enneking was privy too while running for public office. Some of these included people who were actively involved in politics and those who had never registered to vote, people who were open to talk to members of the opposite party and people who shut their doors in their faces, enormous gaps between the rich and the poor, and people who wanted to ignore these problems. The article also explained the process of running for office and how this position can benefit or weaken a society.
c.     The main problem presented in this article was the many disparities he faced while running for office. It was also the costs and lack of access to health care, as well as “dark money” polluting certain political campaigns.
d.     Mainly the people in Florida who don’t have access to affordable health care. However, this could be broadened to include Florida citizens who are affected by those who hold public office.
2.     Len Cabrera: The Hidden Costs of Medicare
b.     This article is about the faults associated with Medicare, most notably the fact that doctors are more concerned with the paperwork required than with actually treating the patient for what ails them. Primary care doctors are even turning away Medicare patients because of their low reimbursement rates. In turn, our society is becoming more concerned with the presence of health care coverage instead of what really matters- the quality of care.
c.     The shift in perspective from a quality standpoint to a monetary standpoint in health care today. Medicare patients are finding it increasing difficult to obtain a primary care doctor, due to doctors caring more about health care coverage than the ailments of their patients.
d.     Anyone who requires health care, especially Medicare beneficiaries.
3.     Panel: ‘Stand Your Ground’ law should be repealed
b.     Panelists discuss the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law that is currently in effect in Florida which gives one the right to use violence if they feel they are in danger. They also discussed the effect the law has had on the community and its relation to deaths such as Trayvon Martin’s and convictions like Marissa Alexander’s.
c.     A person claiming the ‘stand your ground’ defense will receive complete immunity. The law is considered by some to be completely unnecessary and actually encouraging of using brute force instead of first using other methods. Florida’s gun murder rate has gone up dramatically since the law came into effect.
d.     Anyone bothered by the increasing use of force and violence in response to a harmful situation.
4.     Debbie Mayfield: Septic Tanks Play a Major Role in Algae Blooms
b.     This article is about the role of septic systems on blue-green algae blooms. Septic tanks produce amounts of nitrogen that can be traced to these algae blooms and the order by Governor Ron DeSantis that addresses these harmful algae blooms.
c.     Water pollution caused by algae blooms that can be traced back to septic systems in Florida.
d.     Anyone in Florida affected by water pollution caused by algae blooms.
5.     Stop the use of Shady Political Tactics
b.     Unethical political tactics continued to be used in last fall’s Florida Senate District 8 race, including deceptive advertisements and “dark money.” Voters must be educated on the candidates they are voting for or else nothing will change.
c.     Unethical political tactics are still being used to win elections, as shown by the candidates in Florida’s Senate race.
d.     Anyone in Florida’s District 8 who is going to be represented by an unethical politician who uses deception to win elections.


  1. Hi Hope, I saw how the hidden costs of Medicare is a pressing local opportunity for Florida because of the large senior population that resides in our lovely state. Living in Florida, it is extremely difficult to be blind to the toxic algae blooms that threaten our coasts. I also like how you wrote about the ‘stand your ground law,’ very hot topics in Florida news right now.

  2. Hi Hope, I relate to your stand your ground and algae bloom stories. Those to stand out a lot for me especially cause they were both very big topics discussed by people when I was in high school. Many were worried about the possibilities of something going wrong if someone deemed you as dangerous. And how we couldn't swim at the beach due to the bad water.

  3. Hi Hope!
    I think your opportunity assessment on Medicaid is extremely important. Living a long, healthy life without worrying about how to pay to receive that, is stressing the political world with how to deal with that. Healthcare is thought of as a 'fundamental right' under medicare and medicaid, but it clearly isn't working out the way it planned. I hope that someone will take care of that opportunity so that those who can't afford healthcare will be given it not only at the best prices, but also at the best standard of care.


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