Thursday, April 18, 2019

Assignment 30A - Final Reflection

Assignment 30A – Final Reflection
Looking back at all that I’ve done and learned throughout this class, the most formative experience was going into such complexity with my business idea. In the beginning I didn’t think it was my best idea, but after talking to people and fleshing the idea out fully, I really realized as the semester came to an end how plausible my business actually is. It is something that could really take off, given the right resources and employees. I am actually thinking about starting this business for real, which is something that I’m sure I will remember years later. My most joyous experience was realizing that I could actually start a business if I really wanted to. We can all be entrepreneurs.
With that being said, I definitely see myself as more of an entrepreneur now than at the beginning of the semester. Since I’ve been able to see my business idea come to life, I think I have more of an entrepreneurial mindset and the belief that anyone can succeed at it if they want to.
One recommendation I would make to students who are going to journey down this path in the future is to go all in. Don’t do your assignments just to get them done and get the A. If you really throw yourself into your business idea, it may actually come to life before your eyes and you will be inspired to start something real. Of course, to perform well in the class I would recommend doing all your assignments on time and never missing a quiz or a peer review. However, the class is so much more than that and I would recommend always keeping an open-mind and noticing the world around you in order to foster that entrepreneurial mindset.
Image result for entrepreneur


  1. Hey Hope, it definitely is a plausible business idea, and you SHOULD do it! You'd have my support all the way through with this idea. I also saw my crazy idea materialize substantially, which was awesome. I agree with your advice to future students, going all in is a must, and that goes for almost anything in life. This class has been awesome and difficult, and in the end, it was a pleasure to be here. Good luck in your future endeavors, it's been a pleasure to have collaborated with you.

  2. Hi Hope!
    I feel the same way! Of course this was make believe and just for class, but the amount of time and effort we put into our assignments and business models really paid off. This can actually become a real business due to our extensive research and expertise on our "businesses". I wish you luck if you actually do pursue to create this business. It could be something really great! Have a great end of the semester!

  3. Hey Hope, Im sure in the future if i ever hear about a rising business that sounds like yours ill remember this class and wonder if its yours. Your idea would definitely be something to try and start, as you already have some ready customers from the class.

  4. Hi Hope,
    This is great advice to give to rising ENT 3003 students. I think there's definitely a path to take in this class where you can do the bare minimum and still get away with it. However, this class will give students so much more to take with them throughout their future if they actually engage in the work, take a genuine interest in the topics, and apply their knowledge in the real world.


Assignment 30A - Final Reflection

Assignment 30A – Final Reflection Looking back at all that I’ve done and learned throughout this class, the most formati...